Lake Los Angeles Parks & Conservation Association
The Park Association Meeting will be in the Gymnasium Community Room and on Zoom. Tuesday, August 13 at 6:00 PM. 16801 East Avenue P, Palmdale, CA. 661-249-0490.
We will have Facebook live.
OK - I cannot handle FB on my own. We need a social media volunteer or only Zoom.
The meeting will be in the Community Room and also on Zoom. The link is
Join Zoom Meeting
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 813 7955 4783
Passcode: 219797
One tap mobile
+16699009128,,81379554783# US (San Jose)
+16694449171,,81379554783# US
Sorensen Community Regional Park is your park, Lake Los Angeles!
You helped to build it and you help to keep it running beautifully!
Need to know about community park events or activities?
We recommend calling the Sorensen park at (661) 264-1249 before you go (if you have any concerns about activity schedule, etc) . We are a volunteer nonprofit support for Recreation and Conservation - we are not LA County Parks and Recreation
Our page was created and is maintained by the Board of Directors of the Lake Los Angeles Park Association (LLAPA). We are NOT LA County Parks and Recreation - the park staff are.
LLAPA is awarded the Platinum Seal of Transparency for the Third Year in a row! GuideStar Platinum Seal
-Attend Park events. See Events and Activities for more details.
-Respect the park and those attending park events - clean up after yourself, be kind to others
-If you live in the LLAD 2 z45 area - consider a position on the Board of Directors . Each of the seven directors on our board serves a two-year term , and our two alternates serve a one-year term. The elections are held during the November Board Meeting. Applications for the current election are available, see Election Committee
Attend Monthly Park General Meetings, second Tuesday of the month at 6 pm . All meetings are via Zoom. ALL meetings are open to EVERYONE, you do not need to live in LLA to help build a better park!
Attend Monthly Park Business Meetings - held on the third Saturday of the month at 10:30 am
Volunteer for Friends of the Park - you do NOT have to live in the LLA community, EVERYONE is welcome to volunteer!
Consider a donation to the LLAPA - ALL funds collected by LLAPA via donation, grants, and fundraising go BACK into the community of Lake Los Angeles to help support the programs and activities at the Park as well as to support additional recreational opportunities in Lake Los Angeles. LLAPA is a recognized 501(c)(3) charity, Currently the LLAPA is accepting donations via our FaceBook page.
Do you shop online with Amazon? You can help to support the programs, events and activities at the Park by using our Amazon Smile link below.