Contact Us

Our Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 500088, Lake Los Angeles, CA 93591

Subscribe to Updates

Send Lake Los Angeles Park Association an Email:

LLAPA Phone : 661-249-0490

Please leave a message as this is monitored by volunteers. This number is not for the LA County Department of Parks and Recreation, their number is 661-264-1249

Monthly Board of Directors Meeting

Meetings are held .via Zoom at 6pm pm on the second Tuesday of the month, with Potluck Dinner meetings in July and December.

Monthly Park Planning Meeting

Park Planning meetings are held via Zoom at 10:30an on the third Saturday of the month.

Need to know about community park events or activities?

We recommend calling the community park at (661) 264-1249 before you go.

Deputy Stephen Sorensen County Park

16801 East Avenue P,

Lake Los Angeles, CA 93591

for Driving Directions to the Park