By Laws Revision Committee
At the April 27, 2019 Planning Meeting a By Laws Revisions Committee was established. The Chair of the Committee is Donyale Fowler.
The LLAPA is seeking interested individuals to help with this project.
Please see a Director at the next LLAPA Planning Meeting or General Meeting or send a e-mail to to let us know you are interested in volunteering.
For minutes of ByLaws Rewrite committee minutes please see the Meeting Agendas page, for the meetings in which changes were ratified to the ByLaws, please refer to the Appendix in the ByLaws for the dates on which changes were made.
Intent and Purpose of the Lake Los Angeles Park Association
Per the LLAPA Bylaws, the Intent and Purpose of the Lake Los Angeles Park Association (LLAPA) is to oversee the use of the special park tax of Water, Landscaping, and Lighting District 45. This tax is to be used for the growth and development of Sorensen Community Regional Park. The Lake Los Angeles Park Association (LLAPA) shall represent the community of Lake Los Angeles in its park and recreational needs.
Duties of the Board of Directors
Per the LLAPA Bylaws,, the duties of the Board of Directors shall be to act as good faith agents of the LLAPA in the establishment, completion, improvement and maintenance of Sorensen Community Regional Park and any new Los Angeles County Parks that may become located within Lake Los Angeles.