Spring Break Carnival
The 2018 Carnival arrives in LLA and starts to set up. - photo by Mary Hanna
2018 Spring Break Carnival Report
by Mary Hanna
March 16, 17, 18 2018 Friends of the Park present Schoeppner Shows and Carnival Concerts Weekend
The Schoeppner Carnival pulled into town on Wednesday in the rain and quickly got to the business of setting up as much as they could in the strong winds. Phil Schoeppner shared that they have been dealing with winds and weather for the past few weeks and were hoping on better weather for the weekend. It turned out to be a bit of both. The Carnival was overshadowed by strong winds, cold temperatures, and rains that turned to sleet. Lake LA residents refused to be turned away instead they came out and had a great time.
Friday was a small group as the weather was the worst. It was very cold for the people of the sunny desert and the wind was biting. The snack bar and DJ closed with the carnival and went home hoping for a better Saturday.
Saturday was good in the afternoon, but the cold rain came in the early evening. The volunteer friends of the Park stayed the course with the help of the fantastic park staff were able to put away the machines and supplies and warm up to be ready for Sunday. Carlos Día called to see about the weather and it was agreed to come Sunday instead to be able to put on the best show.
Sunday had the best weather and the biggest crowd and the most activity. Regina and the Rec Leaders brought out the fitness challenge that had proved to be so much fun during Parks after Dark last summer. The park supplied great prizes and the families enjoyed cheering the children as they give their best efforts. Often when watching children and sports it is unclear who has the best time: the children, the parents, or the recreational leaders.
Soon after Carlos Día arrived to prepare for his set of dance songs. He is a local talent who respects the community by making time to come back to interact with the audience. He got the young children and Friend of the Park and Town Pat McGuire to get up and dance.
Through the three days Seth Garcia entertained with his DJ skills, responded to requests, and kept everyone upbeat and in the Spring Break feeling.
The Friends of the Park lead by Scarleth Hauffen-Pflieger who has taken on the treasurer/ buyer/ and chairperson of the Friends role this year from Pat McGuire and Yaneley Rodriquez did a fantastic job with the support of Chuck Tedeschi, Yvonne Malikowski, Pat McGuire, Andrew Cook, Guadalupe Garcia, and a little from Mary Hanna who kept wandering off to check on other parts of the event.
2018 LLA Carnival Comes to a Close
By Shirley Harriman
Lake Los Angeles – Sorensen Park – The 2018 LLA Carnival is a wrap and a memory now. The weather was not ideal and rain fell on Saturday night. Still LLA folks came out to enjoy their annual carnival at the Park.
The decision was made to open at 1:00 in the afternoon so the weather would be warmer and more people would have more time to enjoy their event.
Thank you to everyone who came out and supported the Friends of the Lake L A Park annual carnival event.